(بِسْمِ اللَّهِ، تُرْبَةُ أَرْضِنَا، بِرِيقَةِ بَعْضِنَا، يُشْفَى سَقِيمُنَا، بِإِذْنِ رَبِّنَا)
{يضع من ريق نفسه على أصبعه ثم يضعه على التراب ثم يمسح به موضع الألم أوالجرح ويقول الدعاء}

Bismi allahi, turbat 'ardina, biriqat baedina, yushfaa saqimuna, bi'iidhn rabbina.

With the Name of Allah, the dust of our ground mixed with the saliva of some of us would cure our patient with the permission of our Rubb.

Putting some of the saliva on the finger, then puts it on the dust, then wipes the site of pain or the wound along with saying the supplication.
